Indigenous Business Policy
Read the full policy here
Amar Surveys has and will continue to recognize the needs and value of local Indigenous interest relative to the various locations of our business. We utilize, follow and believe in our Indigenous Business Policy as it shows in all aspects of Amar Surveys.
Our model is set up to retain and mentor quality First Nation labor force, our group has a proven track record by retaining First Nations;
- Senior Management
- Field Management
- Senior Surveyors
- Administrative Staff
- Skilled Labor/Survey Assistants
- Will train, employ and mentor local Indigenous labor and management
- Will support local Indigenous community, organizations, families and individuals through fundraising,
sponsorship, scholarships and donations - Will utilize Local and Local Indigenous Subcontractors, Suppliers and Vendors to complete high level
work to our Clients safe and effective way

Indigenous Liaison

It is the responsibility of the Community Relations/Business Development Manager to act as a Liaison to reach out to the local community. It is his responsibility to research and understand local cultural values and how we may support them. Amar Surveys supports Indigenous cultural/ community events in all communities they conduct business.
Amar Surveys will not assume that any community will have the exact same values as the last. Liaisons social responsibility is as follows, but not limited to;
- Connecting with the Indigenous community through the NAABA Membership/Indigenous
Business Associations - Establish Indigenous relationships
- Recruit and Hire local Indigenous employees
- Understand local traditions, culture and values
- Share and deliver key goals to Summit Civils management
- Oversee cultural awareness training for all employees, upon new employee orientation.
- Build successful business relationships
- Social network within the Indigenous community
Hiring Indigenous Commitment
Amar Surveys is committed to hiring eligible and qualified First Nations, Inuit, and Métis groups. Amar Surveys will hire, in their best efforts, Indigenous members in the order of the areas listed below for Management and construction labor positions and designate certain position for mentoring and training opportunities.
- Indigenous with records located in the local area of Wood Buffalo or the area conducting business
and then within the province or territory; and then All other First Nations, Inuit and Métis.
Amar Surveys or its subcontractors are required to give special consideration to members of the groups with respect to competency and qualifications to perform the work. They must be qualified, as to ability and health, to perform the work required by the employment.
Advancement will be based on performance in the current position, experience, learned knowledge, and showing dedication and commitment towards the company.

Surveys has introduced many community initiatives which in return enhances all First Nation/Metis communities throughout the Municipality of Wood Buffalo as well as new Traditional Territories in which we conduct business. The following page illustrates some of the examples the following community initiatives has been a part of since its introduction of working with CPDFN Band Member Corey Janvier (Indigenous Relations/Business Development).
- Elected Board Member for CFAR (Circle for Indigenous Relations)
- Elected Board Member for Sekweha Youth Centre (Chipewyan Prairie Dene First Nation)
- Donations for Fort McKay Minor Hockey
- CPDFN Youth and Elder Summer Camp
- Fort McKay Day Care
Read the full policy here